Rick and Morty is a new cartoon series on Adult Swim. It's already been out for more than a few weeks now. I'm a huge fan of the series so far. It is really silly and has a very crude sense of humour. I generally love watching new cartoon series and I thoroughly enjoy a lot of mainstream cartoons. I personally have a very weird sense of humour so I really enjoy things like this. You can still look up the original cartoon made by the creators which is called 'Doc and Mharti' on Youtube. Check it out if you enjoy Rick and Morty.
Watch the first episode on Youtube:
A blog to reflect on the Sheridan Animation experience from the mind of a current Sheridan student. Also, to provide knowledge, advice on learning, personal insight, criticism, and motivate prospective students and artists alike.
This is not a professional website but a personal blog that is in no way connected to Sheridan Institute of Technology. I am the author of the content that can be found here. The opinions expressed here are my own and are the result of my highly disorganized and dysfunctional mind. Motivation Animation is not responsible for the content of external internet sites nor should I be held responsible for content posted in this blog or re-posted elsewhere. If you, the reader, want further explanation, clarification or have any questions I would encourage you to email me with specific questions.
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